Damian Pandolfo
Damian Pandolfo
Product Manager

Avid tech and AI enthusiast. Passionate about solving problems, like to write about all things growth, data and AI.

Recent Posts

A woman with AI codes beamed on her face
AI-Generated Ads: Is This The Future of Video Advertising?

Thanks to recent advancements, it's now possible to generate video ads completely with AI. But is this the future of advertising? Read more to find out!

Damian Pandolfo
Damian Pandolfo
Jun 21, 2024
An example of the coursera website analysed with a predictive eye tracking heatmap
How to Validate Visual Hierarchy with Predictive Eye Tracking

Struggling to know how much attention that image or CTA is drawing? validate your visual hierarchy quickly and easy with predictive eye tracking.

Damian Pandolfo
Damian Pandolfo
Jun 21, 2024

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