
How to Interpret’s Results and Elevate Your Ad Performance

September 24, 2024
A laptop showing the junbi platform with Samsung ad results
Nandini Agarwal
Written by

Nandini Agarwal

Content Marketer

Table of Contents

This blog is for our lovely users— and anyone curious about how to get the most out of their junbi results.

We decided to try something fun, and the results? Astonishing. And to top it off, it all happened in record time. We created this blog to inspire, as we obviously want everyone to hit the mark, so stick around to find out how we used junbi’s analysis to go above and beyond. 

What did we do?

The team sat down and thought, "How can we make it easier for our user to optimize their YouTube ads based on junbi’s scores?" So, we decided to dive into the challenges you're likely facing. Can you relate to any of these?

  • “I’ve got my junbi scores, but now what? How do I tweak my ad to improve performance?”
  • “My ad didn’t score well, and I spent a ton producing it. Do I really need to start from scratch?”
  • “I showed my brand name, but my brand attention score is low. What now?”
  • “If I adjust my ad based on junbi’s feedback, do I have to rework the entire storyline?”

If any of these questions resonate with you, you're in the right place. This blog will show you how to turn those scores into actionable insights — without the headaches. Get ready to up your ad game! 

Our fun little experiment 

At first, we thought about sending everyone to our knowledge base — you know, the one that explains how to tweak your ad for better scores. But let’s be real — who’s got the time to read through articles and hope the tips actually work?

So, we decided to spice things up. Instead of just telling you, we wanted to show you. We picked a famous YouTube ad, ran it through junbi, and let the results speak for themselves. Ready to see what went down?

We chose Samsung’s flip phone ad. Their flip phone is all over the internet, and with a cat and a dog in the mix, we were sold. How could an ad with that much cuteness not score well, right…?

Well... plot twist! It only scored a 24. Yep, pretty "meh" in junbi terms. Brand attention? A mere 36. Cognitive ease? Even lower at 24. Oof.

We were as shocked as you probably are right now. A big brand, cool product, and adorable storyline — and yet, it didn’t hit the mark. So, naturally, the question popped up: Now what?

Let’s break it down!

Time to get creative

Alright, time to put on your creative hat! Below you will find the two vidoes. Video 1 is the original ad whereas video 2 is the edited version.

Video 1: Original Samsung ad

Video 2: junbi edited version of the ad

If you’ve read our knowledge base articles, think about this: What could Samsung change in their ad to boost their attention scores and, in turn, their ad performance? It’s actually pretty straightforward.

Brand Attention 

First things first, we made Samsung’s logo bigger and more noticeable at the start of the ad. In the original, their logo was barely visible — just a tiny engraving on the phone. No wonder their brand attention tanked!

Original ad
“Edited version” ad

Next tweak: Samsung did have their logo in the bottom right corner, but it was so tiny, you’d need a magnifying glass to spot it. We enlarged it—not too much, just enough to be visible throughout the ad without being distracting.

Original ad
“Edited version” ad

And here's another quick fix: at the end of the ad, they showed their logo on a black screen. Sure, all eyes were on it, but attention? Could be more... To make an impact, sometimes you’ve got to go big or go home. We bumped up the size of the logo at the end, and the brand attention score bumped up.

Original ad
“Edited version” ad

Boosting brand attention is crucial, especially when you’ve got competition like Motorola also jumping back into the flip phone game. If people don’t know which brand your awesome ad is representing, then it’s all for nothing. So, keep that brand attention score up and make sure everyone knows who's behind the wheel!

Ad Breakthrough

This one’s a tough nut to crack—ad breakthrough is all about how well your ad stands out from distractions. Typically, using faces, big fonts, bright visuals, and strong contrast helps boost this score. Samsung did check those boxes, but still scored low. So, we had to get a bit strategic here.

To understand how this score really works, the key is to look at the effectiveness drivers (aka the second-by-second graph). Pro tip: Hide the other scores so you can zero in on the ad breakthrough line.

Original ad graph
“Edited version” ad graph

Here’s the deal—having some lows in your graph isn’t the end of the world. But too many lows? That’s a red flag. The beginning of your ad needs to grab attention right away, or people will lose interest fast. In Samsung’s original ad, the start was weak—it opened with a shot of the phone being pulled out of a bag, which was confusing and didn’t pack enough punch.

Original ad— Beginning of the ad
“Edited version” ad— Beginning of the ad

So, what did we do? We scrapped that scene and kicked off the ad with the next one, featuring big, bright fonts, people, and—of course—the phone. Faces are attention magnets (thanks, psychology!), so showing them right at the start gave the ad a strong, intriguing beginning. And guess what? The new graph showed a high ad breakthrough line from the get-go. Much better!

P.S. Keep in mind that we did not add any “new” scenes, all we did was cancel a few, and that itself was enough to make a big difference. 

Cognitive Ease score

Here comes the tricky part—striking the balance between ad breakthrough and cognitive ease. While ad breakthrough is all about keeping viewers' attention, cognitive ease focuses on making sure the ad is easy to process and understand. Cognitive ease doesn't love too many scene changes or overly complex visuals, as it can overwhelm the brain. On the flip side, pun intended, ad breakthrough thrives on a little drama to keep things interesting.

So, how do you keep both scores happy? It’s all about smart adjustments. Sometimes, you’ll need to cut down on scenes—even if they feature faces or attention-grabbing visuals—so the ad remains clear and digestible. Other times, scene changes are necessary to keep the storyline engaging. It’s a delicate balance, but to make it work, you need to decide what’s essential and what can be trimmed.

In Samsung’s original ad, they showed people taking selfies with the flip phone multiple times. It was repetitive—the point had already been made. So, in our edited version, we trimmed those scenes and fast-forwarded to the part where the cat starts playing with the phone. The cat’s face grabbed attention, while the reduced repetition improved cognitive ease. Win-win! Both scores got a boost, and the ad became clearer and more captivating.


You’ve already seen the transformation above. The original Samsung ad scored a low 24, but after just a few tweaks, we shot that score up to an incredible 84!

These results are astonishing, looking at the minimal changes we made. The most shocking aspect is *drum-roll*, it JUST took us 5 minutes to make those changes.

Yes, you read that right — 5 minutes of simple adjustments based on the principles from our knowledge base, and boom, a massive score jump. If we hadn’t seen much improvement, we would’ve gone back and made more tweaks, but the fact that it happened on our first try shows just how powerful a few small changes can be.

This experiment proves a valuable point: sometimes, your ad already has all the right ingredients — great visuals, and a solid storyline — but small overlooked details can make or break its performance.

The Samsung ad was the perfect case to showcase junbi's impact. You do not have to get overwhelmed or confused when you get a low score. They point you towards exactly what needs a fix, so you can boost your ad’s performance without starting from scratch.

So, let’s get back to the painpoints that were listed in the beginning of this blog, but this time with a solid answer for each of them:

  • “I’ve got my junbi scores, but now what? How do I tweak my ad to improve performance?” 

👉 Start with our knowledge base for quick ideas, and use the frame-by-frame graph to see what’s working and what’s not.

  • “My ad didn’t score well, and I spent a ton producing it. Do I really need to start from scratch?” 

👉 No! As seen with Samsung, small tweaks can make a huge difference—no need to toss your entire ad or budget.

  • “I showed my brand name, but my brand attention score is low. What now?”

👉 Make it bigger and clearer! Make sure it’s visible at both the beginning and end, just like we did with Samsung.

  • “If I adjust my ad based on junbi’s feedback, do I have to rework the entire storyline?”

👉 Absolutely not. Samsung’s storyline stayed intact; we just trimmed unnecessary scenes without changing the essence of the ad.

Still got questions? Don’t hesitate to drop us a line! Let us help you make the most of junbi and see your ads shine! 

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