Viewed vs. Swiped Away

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"Viewed vs. Swiped Away" is a distinction used in the context of mobile advertising, particularly in formats such as mobile video ads or full-screen interstitial ads. These terms refer to two different user actions that indicate how individuals interact with ad content on their mobile devices.

  1. Viewed: When an ad is "viewed," it means that the user has seen the ad content displayed on their mobile device screen. This typically occurs when the ad is displayed within an app or website, and the user's device screen renders the ad content. For video ads, "viewed" may also imply that the user has watched a significant portion of the video content, although the specific criteria for what constitutes a "view" can vary depending on the platform and advertising standards.
  2. Swiped Away: On the other hand, when an ad is "swiped away," it means that the user has taken an action to dismiss or remove the ad from their screen. This action is usually performed by swiping horizontally or vertically across the screen, causing the ad to slide out of view or close completely. Swiping away an ad indicates that the user has chosen not to engage further with the ad content and has effectively dismissed the ad from their immediate view.
Source: Paddy Galloway

In summary, "viewed" refers to the act of encountering ad content on the screen, while "swiped away" indicates the action of dismissing or removing the ad from view. These distinctions are important for advertisers and marketers to understand as they evaluate the effectiveness of their mobile advertising campaigns and assess user engagement with ad content. By analyzing metrics related to views and swipes, advertisers can gain insights into how users interact with their ads and make informed decisions about ad placement, creative design, and targeting strategies to optimize campaign performance.


The concepts of "Viewed vs. Swiped Away" can be valuable in neuromarketing for understanding consumer engagement and responses to mobile advertising at a neuroscientific level. Here's how these distinctions can be used in neuromarketing:

  1. Engagement Assessment: Differentiating between viewed and swiped-away ads helps neuromarketers assess the level of engagement elicited by mobile advertising content. By analyzing user behavior, such as the duration of ad views and frequency of swipes, marketers can gauge the extent to which individuals actively engage with ad content on their mobile devices. This engagement assessment provides insights into the effectiveness of ad creatives, messaging, and formats in capturing and maintaining user attention.
  2. Attention Allocation: Neuromarketers utilize viewed vs. swiped away metrics to understand how attention is allocated during mobile advertising exposure. Ads that are viewed for longer durations or are less frequently swiped away may indicate higher levels of attention and interest from users. Neuromarketing techniques, such as eye-tracking studies and EEG (electroencephalography), can further elucidate attentional patterns and neural responses associated with viewed and swiped-away ads, providing deeper insights into the cognitive processes underlying attention allocation.
  3. Emotional Response Evaluation: Neuromarketers analyze viewed vs. swiped away data to assess the emotional impact of mobile advertising on consumers. Ads that are viewed for extended periods or evoke minimal swiping away may suggest a positive emotional response from users. Neuromarketing tools, such as facial expression analysis and galvanic skin response (GSR), can complement viewed vs. swiped away metrics by providing physiological measures of emotional arousal and valence associated with ad exposure.
  4. Neuro-Optimization: Neuromarketers leverage viewed vs. swiped away insights to optimize mobile advertising content based on neuroscientific principles. By identifying characteristics of ads that attract and maintain user attention while minimizing swipe-away behavior, marketers can tailor ad creatives, formats, and placements to align with neural processing preferences. This neuro-optimization approach involves iteratively refining ad content through A/B testing, multivariate analysis, and neurofeedback techniques to enhance engagement and effectiveness.
  5. Attribution Modeling: Neuromarketers incorporate viewed vs. swiped away metrics into attribution modeling frameworks to understand how mobile advertising influences consumer behavior and decision-making. By correlating ad exposure data with subsequent actions, such as website visits, app downloads, or purchases, marketers can assess the impact of viewed vs. swiped-away ads on conversion outcomes. This attribution analysis helps marketers allocate advertising resources effectively and optimize the customer journey for maximum impact.

Overall, viewed vs. swiped away metrics provide neuromarketers with valuable insights into consumer engagement, attention, and emotional responses to mobile advertising content. By integrating these distinctions with neuroscientific techniques, marketers can optimize ad strategies to effectively engage mobile audiences and drive desired outcomes in the digital landscape.


Imagine a mobile gaming app developer who wants to promote their latest game release through in-app advertising. They decide to run a series of full-screen interstitial ads that appear between levels of other popular games within the same app ecosystem.

The developer closely monitors the performance of their ads, particularly focusing on the metrics of "Viewed vs. Swiped Away." They analyze data from their ad platform to track the number of times the ads are viewed by users and the frequency with which users swipe away or dismiss the ads.

After analyzing the data, the developer notices that while their ads are being viewed by a significant number of users, a high percentage of users are swiping away the ads without engaging further. Upon further investigation, they discover that the ads are being swiped away within a few seconds of appearing, indicating a lack of interest in or relevance to the audience.

In response to these findings, the developer decided to make several adjustments to their ad campaign. They revise the creative elements of the ads to make them more visually appealing and captivating, incorporating dynamic animations and engaging gameplay footage. Additionally, they refine their targeting parameters to reach a more relevant audience segment of mobile gamers who are likely to be interested in their game.

As a result of these optimizations, the developer observes a noticeable improvement in the "Viewed vs. Swiped Away" metrics for their ads. The ads are now being viewed for longer durations, and the rate of swiping away has decreased significantly. This indicates that the revised ad content is more effective in capturing and maintaining user attention, leading to higher levels of engagement with the ad campaign.

By leveraging insights from "Viewed vs. Swiped Away" metrics, the mobile gaming app developer was able to optimize their advertising campaign to better resonate with their target audience, ultimately driving higher levels of engagement and increasing the effectiveness of their mobile ad strategy.

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